full form of COMPUTER:
full form of COMPUTER is 'Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research'.
origin of the word COMPUTER:
the word COMPUTER is derived from the word 'compute' which means 'to calculate'.
definition of COMPUTER:
''COMPUTER is an electronic machine frequently used to perform arithmetic and logical operations with the use of computer programming''.
Basically, a computer consists of two main units to perform operations. these are--
- ALU(Arithmetic-logic Unit)
- CU(Control Unit).
generations of COMPUTER:
there are following five generations of COMPUTER:
- 1st generation computer (based on vacuum tube)
- 2nd generation computer(based on transistors)
- 3rd generation computer(based on integrated circuits)
- 4th generation computer(based on microprocessor)
- 5th generation computer(based on artificial intelligence).
division of COMPUTER on the basis of technology:
there are three types of the computer on the basis of technology--
- Digital computer
- Analog computer
- Hybrid computer.